Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Moving Blogs!

Hello!  I only have stats to tell me people actually read this blog, but, in the spirit of some major changes in my life, I have decided to retire Searching for Balance.  I've started a new blog called A New Journey, at http://daralanemackay.blogspot.ca/.  If you're following this blog, I'd love if you moved over there with me!  This will be my last post here. 

Thanks for reading!

Breast Cancer Awareness in My Own Life

On December 5th, I am getting tested for the cancer gene.  In my last checkup, my doctor recommended this testing, as I have had my mother and my aunt, her sister, pass away from cancer in their late thirties and early forties respectively.  I am 31.  The death of my mom weighed heavily on my mind as I entered my thirties, because her life was a mere 38 years.  Because of these losses, I know I have to be vigilant against this disease, and I've decided to go ahead and take the genetic screening.  If I am predisposed to breast cancer, I want to know.  Knowledge is power, as they say.

While I'll be happy to know either way, and make changes in my life accordingly, the idea of getting a glimpse into my fate is a little bit daunting.  Will I be upset if the result is that I do, in fact, carry the gene?  I'm guessing yes, but I feel like this is something I need to know.  But knowing means I will be very, very diligent with my check-ups, have yearly mammograms and MRIs, and take care of my overall health with a heightened sense of urgency.  Any steps I can take to prevent cancer will be taken.  I will not leave my two daughters with no mother.  That is something I just can't do.

And that's another reason I need to know.  If I carry the gene, my daughters are at higher risk as well.  This isn't just about me, it's about making sure they are living their best and healthiest lives too.  It's a scary thought, just for myself, but I have to make sure my children are fully aware of their own health risks.

If my answer is no, then I don't think I'll be any less vigilant in my health.  I have more than myself to live for.  I feel like I've only just started living sometimes; my life feels as though it has been very short thus far.  I want a long life, as do most other people, and one key to that is making sure I know everything I need to, and treating my body and mind well.

So, I'm a little scared of what my answer will be, but I'm more determined to know; determined to live, healthily and happily.  I'm determined not to let disease, or the prospect of it, get in my way.  Breast cancer is a killer.  I'm going to do everything can to make sure I'm not on its list.