Friday, August 26, 2011

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year...

Fall is around the corner, and as I prepare my daughter for her first day of grade one next week, I can't help but be excited for what this school year is going to bring.  I always love the first days of school, and even though I haven't had the joy of welcoming a new group of students into my classroom for a few years now, I still feel that sense of anticipation that comes with it.  I live vicariously through my teacher friends and my daughter.  I love when school starts.

I think I love it so much because it has always been a fresh start for me.  Each fall brings a set of new possibilities, whether I'm in the classroom or not.  This fall I start some  new clients full time, and I look so forward to getting back into a consistent routine.  I have probably relaxed a little too much this summer in terms of my day home programming and sticking to routine - but isn't that what summer is about?  I love lazing around on the deck watching my kids play in the water or ride scooters and bikes.  I love not worrying about the mad morning rush to get everyone out the door (or in, in my case) in the morning.  I love not wearing socks! 

But fall is a whole other story.  Fall brings a crisp freshness that makes me want to take deep breath and inhale the scent of leaves as they fall from the trees.  Fall means more work and less sleep, but it also means a return to structure and learning, which to me is fantastic!

As I mentioned, my daughter starts grade one next week.  That means full days of school, which is going to be a huge adjustment for all of us.  I am so used to having her around at least half days.  She is an incredible help in the day home - directing play, helping her sister and other little ones, or just being another arm for me when I need it.  It's also going to be A LOT quieter!  She seriously lacks volume control, especially when she gets excited or hyper.  It might be nice to have a little bit more quiet during the day, but chances are, I am going to miss it.

I also get more motivated in the fall.  When I am busy, I find that I can actually get more other stuff done.  It's a 'being in the zone' thing.  When I have too much to do, I tend to get most of it done.  When I have a chance to relax, pretty much nothing gets done at all.  Anyone else experience this?  I sometimes work better when I'm incredibly stressed out.  But this fall is going to start kind of like a long-distance race.  Not only is my day home going full time for the first time since May, but I am also taking on a writing project that will take some considerable time and I get a new client in October, not to mention my little one turns two that month as well.  It's going to be a crazy few months.  CRAZY.  But I'm up for it.  I really am.  I am excited about this writing project, and about settling in to a new routine with my new kids.  It's going to be good.

Another awesome thing is that I can actually pay some attention to my fitness again!  My husband is now home every evening - a HUGE change from the past 9 months.  I'll actually be able to go the gym in the evening.  I could even go to yoga classes once a week because I don't have to be at home for my kids without a vehicle.  I have gained about ten pounds this summer, and let me tell you, I am not pleased with myself.  I know why it's creeped up on me, and I know what I have to do to get it back off.  I refuse to let my body go back to the way it was, and I feel much more motivated to get out there and work hard. 

So, with the fall approaching, I say goodbye to lazy summer days of only making my minimal requirements and hello to some crazy times filled with hard work, lots of stress and most of all, a refreshing sense of accomplishment.

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