Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Last Ten Pounds

 Today, I have made a new resolve.  I have already lost 52 pounds (don't know if I mentioned that before!), but I have a good ten more to go before I am in the weight range that is "healthy" for my height.  I resolved today that I am going to lose those last ten pounds by the end of April.  I turn 30 on May 17th, and I want it gone before that!  I have some obstacles to overcome, but I think seven and a half weeks is plenty of time.  That's 1.33333333 pounds a week.  Definitely doable!

The first obstacle is that I am not able to do anything overly strenuous in terms of workouts because of my knee, but that doesn't mean I can't do anything.  I can walk, and I can work my arms, abs and legs if I'm careful.  The weather looks like it's going to start cooperating with us, so walking outside will definitely be on the agenda with my kids, and I can do everything else in my living room.  Now, to motivate myself to do it!  I've been pretty good about doing crunches, leg raises and weights for the past couple weeks, but I've been far from consistent, so that needs some work.  I think the reason I have such a hard time working out at home is because the gym has become my oasis of self this past year, and my home is not that place for me.  My home contains my never ending responsibilities.  It is a constant reminder of how much of myself I pour into others, and so when I need me time, workout time, my house is not the place I crave. 

The second obstacle, as always, is my eating.  While I have a healthy diet, and have been really great about choosing healthier options for snacks and meals, I still have a tendency to eat when I don't need to.  I also have a sweet tooth, which is so often my downfall.  Most of the time I am pretty good at moderation, but sometimes it all goes out the window and I can't seem to stop myself!  I don't overdo it so much that I gain weight, but it sure as heck doesn't help me lose any.  I also don't drink enough water.  Not by a long shot!  I drink lots of coffee (no cream, sugar or other yucky contaminants), and while I love it, it totally dehydrates me.  Today I set two goals for myself.  The first one was to drink a minimum of two 20 oz bottles of water, and the second was not to munch on stuff while preparing meals.  I am so bad for that!  I add so many calories to my daily intake by eating a little piece of cheese here, a piece of lunch meat there, macaroni and et cetera.  And then I eat my regular meal, if I get time, so there's no way of knowing just how much I am eating or how many calories I am consuming.  I am pleased to say I accomplished both of my goals today.  Every morning I need to set a goal for my eating, and be very mindful as I make my way though the day of just what and how much I am eating.

So, here is my resolve to lose those last ten pounds in seven weeks.  Anyone want to join me?  I could use the company!

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